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What Clients are Saying  


           Katy at Premier K9 Training. Is the Real Deal! Our 1yr old Lab was a stubborn ding dong and we tried our best to do training ourselves but life. We did the 3wk on-site and this guy came home so well-behaved! Same funny personality, just now he has manners, is so much easier to walk (absolutely no more pulling), and listens  like a champ!  She provides you with so much more than most trainers so all the work so put in to the train your pup stays tuned in and she's stays in contact.  Katy is worth every penny. You will thank yourself! 


      Would not let anyone near her. Even during the consult Katy could not get near Boone she would lung bark at everyone. Even though she is selective of people she is more accepting and even hugs some people (even Katy). 


      I can't imagine where this family would be without Katy. 2 years ago I had a psycho out of control dog that I could not trust. Now I have a dog that can go to the lake and camping and just be amazing!! And I never would have considered having a kitten before PK9T. You have done so much for Red and it's been worth every penny!! Thank you for all you do


       After doing Day Train Days with Goose he is a different dog. No more pulling on leash, learning to greet people. Now learning to be off leash dog with the help of PK9T.


          After doing Day Train Days Bravo learned that jumping is no longer allowed. His walking as improved so much thanks to PK9T

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